Flet: Build Cross-Platform Apps in Python

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Flet: Build Cross-Platform Apps in Python
Flet: Build Cross-Platform Apps in Python

Flet: Build Cross-Platform Apps in Python

Discover how Flet simplifies app development with real-time UI updates and cross-platform capabilities.

What is Flet?

If you're a Python developer looking for an easy way to build web, desktop, and mobile applications without diving into frontend frameworks, Flet is your answer. Flet leverages Flutter for its user interface, enabling you to create beautiful and responsive apps entirely in Python.

Why Choose Flet?

Here are a few reasons why I find Flet incredibly useful:

  • Simple Syntax: Write everything in Python without worrying about JavaScript or HTML.
  • Real-Time Updates: Build apps with real-time interaction and state management.
  • Cross-Platform: Deploy your app on the web, desktop, and mobile devices seamlessly.

Getting Started with Flet

Let's walk through setting up Flet and creating your first app.

Step 1: Installation

pip install flet

Make sure you have Python 3.8 or later installed on your system.

Step 2: Your First App

Create a file named hello.py with the following content:

import flet as ft

def main(page: ft.Page):
    page.title = "Hello, Flet!"
    page.add(ft.Text("Hello, World!"))


Run the file using:

python hello.py

This opens a window displaying the text Hello, World!.

Step 3: Building a To-Do App

Here's a functional example of a simple to-do app:

import flet as ft

def main(page: ft.Page):
    def add_task(e):
        if not task_input.value:
        task_input.value = ""

    task_input = ft.TextField(placeholder="Add a new task")
    task_list = ft.Column()
    add_button = ft.ElevatedButton("Add", on_click=add_task)

    page.add(task_input, add_button, task_list)


Run this code to get a simple to-do list app where you can add tasks dynamically.

Deploying Your App

Once you've created your app, you can deploy it as:

  • Web App: Accessible via a browser.
  • Desktop App: Package it as a standalone executable for Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  • PWA: Progressive Web Apps for mobile devices.

Final Thoughts

Flet makes it easier than ever to create cross-platform applications without needing to juggle multiple programming languages or frameworks. Whether you're building prototypes, internal tools, or production-ready apps, Flet has got you covered.

If you found this guide helpful, let me know in the comments! And if you have questions, feel free to ask—I'd love to help you get started with Flet.


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